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Packages and Services

As you can see, we love some colour around these here parts! If you are looking for neutral tones and minimalism... erm, well yeah this just got super awkward! 

👉🏻 You crave colour in your life but every time you try and bring some into your brand design it looks childish, miss matched and so far from the professional, credible business you know you are!

👉🏻 You struggle with consistency, with building a cohesive vibe across all of your business. Design is not your thing and becoming a proper time suck - you are ready to outsource like a GD boss!

👉🏻 You are brand shiney new to business and do not know where to even begin with making that first investment into your brand design, it feels like you can not get truly started until you look the absolute flippin' best!

👉🏻 You are getting serious now, and need your brand design to catch up. You want to be taken seriously, you are ready to attract the best customers and give them an unbelievable experience - sh*t is getting real and dreams are getting bigger! Time to level up and shine online! 

👉🏻 You just want a cute and colourful brand design that is professional, strategic, saves you time, helps you stand out and makes you feel frickin' awesome like, right now! 


OMG this brand design package has got everything you need if you are just starting out; kickass colours, beautiful type, stunning logos and a virtual hand to hold as you figure out your new brand direction and how to start STROOONG!


EEEK! Now THIS brand design package is my fave!! I cannot tell you how perfect this is for those who have been in biz 1-2 years (or savvy startups) who are ready to level things UP! We got brand direction! We got colours and type! We got logos! We got socials! We got planners! We got you COOOVERED! 


What's that you say bestie? Already worked with me but now you need MORE! Ohhhh man look at you go!? Tell me what you need right now and I will get you sorted with all the added extras you can handle and then SOOOME! Either using the brand design we already created together or add these extras on to any new brand design project!

A stamp design saying 'let's make brand magic'
A stamp design saying 'let's make brand magic'

Oh my sweet summer child.... it is 2024. If you are running your business online, using socials and content as your main source of marketing, then without strategic brand design and direction you are quite simply invisible in this very busy, very visual world.

A star sticker
A star sticker
A stamp design saying 'let's make brand magic'

Folks are 100% judging you based on your visuals, so first impressions count BUT professional brand design is way more than just visuals...

✨ It is your values, vibe, voice and message! 

✨ It sets clarity for your purpose and direction so you know how to position yourself!

✨ It ensures you look and feel confident, legit, and professional - building so much trust!

✨ It attracts the right clients, increasing sales and building your community of fans! 

✨ It allows you to stand out from competitors!

✨ It helps to save time with content ideas and creation! 

✨ It means you know exactly who you are talking to, where to show up and how!

✨ It means you get to work with someone who gets it and gives you the guidance you're craving.

That all sounds pretty awesome to me. So I don't know friend... you tell me, do you need branding?

Your business is what you do, your brand is who you are

and your brand design is how you communicate that to the right people.

A sticker design that says 'Brand Magic'
A sticker imaage with the submark logo of Magic Feather Designs
'but Jen, do I actually need branding?'
A star sticker
'Kind words from kind clients' image title

"I felt clueless, lost and really worried about what people would think about my business and where on earth to begin with branding. I genuinely think the success I've had is because of the branding Jen created that aligns with my message so clearly!

Everything feels clearer and easier, I feel less scared to share on social media now, I feel confident and proud."

Bex - Showbiz Performing Arts Academy

Image by Christina Rumpf
Step up

Brand Design: Step Up!


Perfect if you are a new business or within your first years, and are now ready to make that first investment into your brand design. If you need some starter branding in place in order to start showing up, along with a better understanding of your biz foundations, how to target your ideal customer and some design support from someone who gets it, this is the one for you.


No more second-guessing or DIY-ing things as you will gain a purposeful, strategic brand identity that feels so damn aligned it hurts! Designed to last and grow as you continue to step 👏🏻 it 👏🏻 up 👏🏻!




    •    Brand Direction clarity session (2hrs 1:1 Zoom)

    •    Perfect colour palette and typography pairing.

    •    Full, versatile logo suite (your logo, three designs, loads of colours).

    •    Fun brand marks/elements/icons.

    •    Brand guidelines and brand board.

    •    Canva upload, organise and support.

    •    Bonus Freebies: Feed Planner, Set It Up Checklist!

    •    Additional 1 hour 1:1 Zoom afterward to ask me anything brand related!


INVESTMENT: £999 (payment splits available!)


Duration: 3-4 weeks with the additional Zoom taken after you receive your final files and guide.

Brand Design: Stand Out!


Here we go, my signature package because she's got E V E R Y T H I N G!


This is literally the one for biz owners seriously ready to level up their growing business and stand the frick out with professional, purposeful, strategic branding for your whole biz. Time to stop doing it all yourself, save some time to work on the things that genrate money, really narrow down that ideal client and get right up there in their face with a brand that gives them instant heart eyes and has them saying 'take my money!'. This package is also great for bold new business owners who want everything done before they launch! Kapow!


Clarity ✔️ Design ✔️ Socials ✔️ Marketing ✔️ - everything you need for full brand visibility.



    •    Brand Direction clarity session (2hrs 1:1 Zoom)

    •    Colour palette, typography pairing & a full logo suite (3 styles, loads of colours!)

    •    Templates for Stories, Reels, Feed posts (suitable for numerous platforms)

    •    Pinterest Templates

    •    Marketing templates (news-feed size)

    •    Profile images & highlight covers

    •    Additional cover images (EG. Etsy, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Facebook)

    •    Fun brand marks/elements/icons

    •    One printed asset (EG. business card, flyer design, appt./thank you card etc)

    •    Brand guidelines & brand board

    •    Canva upload, organise and support

    •    Bonus Freebies: Feed Planner, Set It Up Checklist, Content Cheat Sheet!

    •    Additional 1 hour 1:1 Zoom afterward to ask me anything brand related!


INVESTMENT: £1499 (payment splits available!)


Duration: 5-6 weeks with the additional Zoom taken after you receive your final files and guide.

Web Design

Add this on to any Brand Design Package!

Brand design by Magic Feather designs - cute and colourful branding for small businesses

If your business only exists on social media then it is past time my friend, that you thought... nay! GOT yourself a shiny new website. A place that is all yours, where you can say and do what you like (within reason!) when it comes to your brand and speaking to your audience. You need to own a slice of the web that is all yours, dedicated to just you with all eyes on your biz these days if you want to build that strong trust and credibility factors within your business strategy!


Exclusive to my brand design clients only, this is perfect for all businesses needing an informational site to direct their customers to, or to host their long-form content such as a blog or podcast links. 


I use Wix only to build my sites - Wix is a great place to build your email list and boost your SEO, it is super user friendly, budget friendly and has a tonne of built in automations. Please note I do not offer ecommerce sites or online shop set up. 


FULL WEBSITE : £999    

    •    Help with account set up

    •    5 pages of your choice (eg home, about, services, contact, blog)

    •    Full, on brand design to your needs & mobile optimised

    •    Up to 3 Automations set up (Thank You sign up, freebie download etc)

    •    Thank you email design for list subscribers

    •    Basic on page SEO set up

    •    Domain name set up and social connections assistance

    •    Additional 1 hour 1:1 Zoom afterward to ask me anything web related!

    •   (additional pages possible +£100 per page)

Duration: +2-3 weeks to any brand design package


    •    1 page Wix hosted web page

    •    5 basic sections; eg welcome, about, services, testimonials, socials     

    •    Mobile optimised

    •    x1 Automation set up (EG. thank you sign up email)

    •    Basic on page SEO set up

    •    Social connections assistance

    •    Additional 30 minute 1:1 Zoom afterward to ask me anything web related!

    •   (additional sections possible +£50 per section up to 3 extra sections)

Duration: +1-2 weeks to any brand design package

Designer for a Day

Brand design by Magic Feather designs - cute and colourful branding for small businesses

Exclusive to my awesome clients, come back for additional assets for the beautiful brand we already created that is 100% going to enhance the heck out of your client experience! No retainer fees, just a one-off rate to create exactly what you need to continue to level up and scale your business, whilst staying 100% on brand!

We can get straight to work with a quick turnaround, as I already know you and your brand inside out PLUS have the files ready to go!


Any of these items can also be added on to my Brand Designs packages for new/current clients at individual extra fees!



    •    PDF brochures/proposal templates/service guides

    •    Packaging stickers

    •    Stationery

    •    Business Cards

    •    Flyers/posters

    •    Marketing banners

    •    Price Lists

    •    Thank you cards

    •    Letterheads

    •    + MORE! Just ask!

STARTS FROM: £300 for a block of 8 hours.

(payment is taken in full before any design work begins for this one!)

(Please note: I do not have print facilities however I can work with you to set up print with suppliers at an additional fee.

Rates will change depending on the scope of what you need, so price and time are discussed beforehand to see what we can do within the initial 8 hours)

Stand Out
Web Design
A brand mark stamp design by Magic Feather Designs
A sticker imaage with the submark logo of Magic Feather Designs
A star sticker
A star sticker
'Jen I have money questions' title

No problem! Here is what others have asked me:

Can I split my payments?

Of course! For my larger investments with the brand design packages I take 50% of the fee first, this holds your booking as a non-refundable deposit. Then the remaining 50% is taken 30 days later or before your final files are released, whichever comes first.

Do you have a refund policy?

Sure do! It is all clearly explained in my contract.

Do I have to pay the whole price if I want to bump up to a new package at a later date?

NOPE! If you decide to start with the Step Up package and a month or so later decide you now want to invest in a bigger design package with me, you would just pay the difference between the packages. This offer is locked in for 3 months from the date you paid originally, so even if my prices were to increase during this time, you would still pay the original rate whilst within your 3 month lock-in period (perfect for budget planning/spreading costs/saving up!). This does not include Web design, as this is a set, stand alone price.

Can I reduce costs by cutting out items from the packages?

I have designed my packages with small biz success in mind and feel confident they have everything you need BUT I 100% want my packages to be flexible and work for you, so let's talk about a custom package, that includes everything you do need instead.​ 

Please be aware, I do not do 'just a logo' service as I believe strong brand design needs to be built on strategy and with purpose. So even if you did want 'just a logo' I would still go through the same process of understanding your business needs, ideal customer, competitors and so forth to create a unique design that's going to actually be useful for your business, not just look pretty. You are investing in my time, experience, knowledge and creativity as well as design work, so to cut costs by cutting out this vital part of the process would only serve to damage your business, and I am just not about that friend! Ok, serious Jen over and out 😅

A selection of screen shot feedback quotes, saying kind things about Magic Feather Designs - brand design for small businesses

what they said.....

A happy tearful emoji face
A happy tearful emoji face
A happy tearful emoji face
'What to expect' title
A box


A box


A box


It all begins with clarity! Together we will go through my clarity workshop, this tells me everything I need to know about your business, customers, competitors and goals for our project. 

Using all the juicy information from our clarity session, I will develop your new brand's creative direction proposal! We work together at every stage until you are 100% confident and happy we are on the same path!

The fun bit! I get busy designing your logo concept first, this comes back to you in a full PDF presentation. After your feedback I will make any changes needed and we follow the same process with your socials and extra collateral, depending on what package you choose.

a star
a star
a star
A box


A box

Wrap up

Included in all my packages is an 'after care' additional Zoom call, this is in case you need extra guidance on how to use your files, iron out any issues with files etc, or if you need a second opinion whilst you launch your new brand identity!

Once everything is signed off by you, I package up all your final files in an organised folder ready to use, along with your full brand guidelines that will keep you consistent going forward!

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